Parts to fit Lely

The original part number is indicated only for the sake of comparison!

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1. Tines for power harrows, Scrapers, Accessories

Part-no Description Orig.part n°
» Tines for power harrows to fit
RH-116-L Tine for rotary harrows, left 1.1699.0111.0 *
RH-116-L.1 Tine for rotary harrows, left 1.1699.0124.0 *
RH-116-R Tine for rotary harrows, right 1.1699.0112.0 *
RH-116-R.1 Tine for rotary harrows, right 1.1699.0125.0 *
RH-79-L Tine for rotary harrows, left 1.1632.2241.0 *
RH-79-R Tine for rotary harrows, right 1.1632.2240.0 *
RH-80-L Tine for rotary harrows, left -
RH-80-R Tine for rotary harrows, right -
RH1 Tine for rotary harrows 1.1606.021 *
RH2 Tine for rotary harrows 1.1699.022.00 *
RH2A Tine for rotary harrows 1.1632.1487.0 *
RH2AG Tine for rotary harrows 1169901148 *
RH2G Tine for rotary harrows 1169901068 *
RH81 Welding-point -
» Scrapers for packer rolls
51-L100 Scraper for packer rolls 0119 *
51-L101 Scraper for packer rolls 0115 *
51-L104 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.2839.0 *
51-L105 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1632.2304.0 *
51-L106 Scraper for packer rolls 3011 *
51-L110 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1606.4078.0 *
51-L111 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1606.3479.0 *
51-L112 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1680.1661.0 *
51-L113 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.2948.0 *
51-L114 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.9000.0 *
51-L116 Scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.2944.0 *
» Greenflex plastic scrapers for packer rolls
53-L103 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls 0119 *
53-L104 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.2839.0 *
53-L105 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls 1.1632.2304.0 *
53-L109 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.2838.0 *
53-L111 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls 1.1606.3479.0 *
53-L113 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls 1.1645.2948.0 *
53-L117 Greenflex plastic scraper for packer rolls -

5. Following tines, Seed drilling technic BOURGAULT, Seed drill discs

Part-no Description Orig.part n°
» Following tine
10.ST-AC1 Following tine -
10.ST-L1 Following tine, right 3510300170 *
10.ST-L2 Following tine, left 3510300180 *
» Seed shares » Seed shares to fit
99.LE-01 Seed share 2100416030 *

7. Front loading tines,, silage knives,, fodder mixer knives

Part-no Description Orig.part n°
» Baler and silo wagon knives » Silage knives to fit
85-163 Silage knive LM02101415 *
85-218 Silage knive 01144401 *
85-221 Silage knive hard metal faced 01144401 *
» Baler and silo wagon knives » Round baler knife to fit
85-109 Round baler knife 0982.21.09.00 / 0982.21.04.00 *

15. Hay tines,, rotary blades & accessories

Part-no Description Orig.part n°
» Rotary mower blades to fit as
80-122 Rotary mower blade 4.1220.1479.0 *
80-143 Rotary mower blade 4.1201.1473.0 / 9.1127.0003.2 *
80-144 Rotary mower blade 4.1201.1474.0 / 9.1127.0004.3 *
» Hay tines » Tedder tines
15-LEL-01L Tedder tine - left 4.015.0058.0 / 4.1016.0149.0 / 4-1046-1139-0 *
15-LEL-01R Tedder tine - right 4.015.0068.0 / 4.1016.0159.0 / 4-1046-1159-0 *
15-LEL-02L Tedder tine - left 73 130L *
15-LEL-02R Tedder tine - right 73 135R *
15-LEL-04 Tedder tine 4.1043.1168.0 / FEL200260 *
15-LEL-05 Tedder tine 4.1043.1175.0 / FEL200263 *
» Hay tines » Hay rake tines
15-LEL-03 Hay rake tine 4.1069.1177.0 *

* The original part number is indicated only for the sake of comparison!