Body Type C14N - 30x30

Body Type C14N - 30x30

Body Type C14N - 30x30
Part-no. Description Hole spacing Description Pos. B2-C14S Pos. B2-Nr.8AR8HLM Pos. B3-CV7 Pos. B2-C16S Pos. TA-Nr.8-TA8 Pos. TA-Nr.8-H8NM Pos. C14N - 30x30 Pos. C14N - 35x35 Pos. C16N - 30x30 Pos. C16N - 35x35 Pos. TA-Nr.H6 Pos. B2-Nr.5AR5H Pos. B3-E7 Catalogue Weight
35.0000 Landside 241,5 Landside 4 4 4 4 2 - 12 - 50 172321-1723382.600 kg
35.0004 Landside 95 - 39,5 - 241,5 - 241,5 - 39,5 - 95 Landside 5 5 5 5 2 - 12 - 50 1723805.240 kg
35.0034 Cast heel 51,5 Cast heel 10 10 12 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 10 10 10 2 - 12 - 38 1723813.750 kg
35.0035 Bar point 30x30 Bar point 3 3 2 - 12 - 50 1712075.250 kg
35.0039 Bar point share - 14'' - left 90 - 100 Bar point share - 14'' 2 2 2 2 2 - 12 - 50 1724173.960 kg
35.0040 Bar point share - 14'' - right 90 - 100 Bar point share - 14'' 2 2 2 2 2 - 12 - 50 1724183.960 kg
35.0043 Bar point share - 16'' - left 90 - 100 Bar point share - 16'' 2 2 2 2 2 - 12 - 50 1726134.510 kg
35.0044 Bar point share - 16'' - right 90 - 100 Bar point share - 16'' 2 2 2 2 2 - 12 - 50 1726144.510 kg
35.0051 Moldboard - left 75 - 110,5 - 105,5 - 225 - 120 Moldboard 1 1 2 - 12 - 50 172405-17245715.000 kg
35.0052 Moldboard - right 75 - 110,5 - 105,5 - 225 - 120 Moldboard 1 1 2 - 12 - 50 172406-17245815.000 kg
35.0103 Moldboard extension - right 20,5 Moldboard extension 8 8 6 6 6 6 2 - 12 - 38 1723482.140 kg
35.0104 Moldboard extension - left 20,5 Moldboard extension 8 8 6 6 6 6 2 - 12 - 38 1723472.140 kg

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