Body Type N6G

Body Type N6G

Body Type N6G
Part-no. Description Hole spacing Pos. N6G Weight
43.0006 Share point - right 80 4 2006782.050 kg
43.0007 Share point - left 80 4 2006792.050 kg
43.0008 Share point reinforced - right 80 5 200678-0241402.180 kg
43.0009 Share point reinforced - left 80 5 200679-0241392.180 kg
43.0052 Landside 160 - 103 - 160 7 0240724.890 kg
43.0053 Landside tip 110 6 0240131.650 kg
43.0055 Landside coulter - right 107 8 0262401.780 kg
43.0056 Landside coulter - left 107 8 0262411.780 kg
43.0063 Moldboard - right 77,5 - 136 - 120 - 110,5 - 163 - 95,5 - 86 - 136,5 1 02411220.000 kg
43.0064 Moldboard - left 77,5 - 136 - 120 - 110,5 - 163 - 95,5 - 86 - 136,5 1 02411120.000 kg
43.0065 Share wing - right 125 - 110 3 0241224.100 kg
43.0066 Share wing - left 125 - 110 3 0241214.100 kg
43.0067 Shin - right 2 0241141.750 kg
43.0068 Shin - left 68 - 230 2 0241131.750 kg
43.0079 Holder - right 9 0262241.260 kg
43.0080 Holder - left 9 0262231.260 kg

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